Update from Kip: December 2023

An image of KIP signing “I love you.”

Dear Parents and PLAY WITH KIP Enthusiasts,

I'm thrilled to reach out to you today with an update on PLAY WITH KIP's journey. As the heart and soul behind this project, I'm dedicated to bringing a dream to life that will resonate with both you and your children.

Firstly, a heartfelt thanks for your patience and support. Yes, our launch has been nudged back a bit more than expected. Life has been full of surprises lately, and I've also been deepening my educational journey, particularly in research and psychology. This isn't just about understanding children better; it's also about exploring family and community dynamics.

This extra time allows us to enrich PLAY WITH KIP with insights that matter to kids and all of us as part of a community. Our plan for 2024 still includes a YouTube show and a series of picture books designed to weave together fun, learning, and meaningful conversations about our emotional and social lives.

Staying engaged with us during this time would be fantastic. Whether through our newsletter, our YouTube channel, or even a Ko-fi donation (big thanks to Cherry Ngan for your generosity!), your involvement keeps this dream vibrant and growing.

Thank you for being part of this journey and understanding the importance of taking a little more time to make PLAY WITH KIP as impactful as possible. Your enthusiasm and belief in our vision are incredibly motivating.

Have a lovely holiday season! Wishing you and your family the best.

Warm regards,

KIP's signature



Ki Yan Ip

KIP is the founder of PLAY WITH KIP, a platform dedicated to making social-emotional learning joyful for kids through play-based media. With her background in media and design, she creatively transforms complex emotional intelligence concepts into engaging tunes, stories, and illustrations that resonate with children. Currently pursuing a master's in Marriage and Family Therapy, KIP is deepening her commitment to enhancing emotional and relational skills among young learners. Her work focuses on empowering children with self-awareness and compassion, providing valuable resources to parents and educators looking to foster these qualities at home and in the classroom.


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